Software,freeware,shareware koleksi: August 2009



Simple Home Money Management 2008

Simple Home Money Management 2008 will help you to closely monitor and control your spending habits, and accounts such as retirement, credit cards, bill payments and much more. Provides a huge number of income and outgoing categories so you can see where your money goes. Simple Home Money Management is simple but clever enough not only for the home but also small business.

You can download your bank statements via QIF v7 format and it auto-codes the transactions for you making your data entry almost redundant. Simple Home Money Management provides easy to understand core reports that tell you when bills are coming up, Actual vs Budget and graphical charts to view your income and outgoings at a glance.Simple Home Money Management is a leading personal finance, money management software.



Social Engine 3.17 Nulled and Working

Social Engine 3.17 Nulled and Working

Just released August 7, 2009
SocialEngine is a PHP script that creates a social network on your website. Right out of the box, your social network will offer nearly all of the features found on today's popular social networking sites.
The changes include:
SocialEngine v3.17:
- Fixed some remaining issues with sessions/login
- Fixed PHP4 compatibility issue
- Fixed handling issue with memcached
- Fixed problem with MAX_FILE_SIZE in upload form

100% Control & Content Ownership
Our philosophy is to give our customers 100% control of their network, including their visual layout, functionality, and - most importantly - their content. Many other social network providers and community-building tools retain your users' data on their servers, preventing you from migrating to another service or leveraging your own community's content for advertising. Conversely, SocialEngine is hosted on your own server where you have complete control over every aspect of your community.

100% Customizable & Brandable
We want your new social network to offer something unique. Out of the box, SocialEngine gives you a simple, unbranded network that you can customize in absolutely any way. This lets you get right to deplying your unique theme, social structure, or new social concept using our source code as a foundation. Our platform is truly "white label", meaning we do not display any branding, company logos, or "powered by" text whatsoever. We will never charge you to add your own logo and branding to your community, and sincerely encourage you to do so!

100% Unencrypted Source Code
We actively encourage our users to customize their social networks in any way. We provide the complete source code for SocialEngine making it simple to add or integrate any features. We've gone to great lengths to make SocialEngine incredibly easy for you to work with and customize. The source code is thoroughly commented to help you understand every stage of the PHP code. We also provide fully commented HTML templates for every single page of your social network, including global header/footer templates and an organized CSS stylesheet.

Instant Download, Easy Setup
When you have a novel idea for a new social network or online community, we know that you want to get started right away. This is why we provide you with a download link immediately after your purchase. Our system is designed to get your social network up and running as quickly as possible; after our easy installation, your new social network site is ready to go! You can immediately begin signing up users or purchase additional third-party mods and templates.

Demo and documentation



Email Marketing Software

Email Marketing Software For Smart Business Owners

Interspire's email marketing software includes everything you need to create, send, track and profit from email marketing - but it doesn't stop there. It also includes powerful tools to completely automate your follow up marketing too:
Follow up with prospects automatically using autoresponders. Send a series of personalized email messages to new leads at intervals you define. It's like having your own dedicated sales team working for you around the clock.

Optimize your email click thru rates with split testing. Send a few variations of your email to a sample of your list and have the best performing one sent to the rest automatically.

Automate your list management with triggers. Automatically convert leads to opportunities when they open a specific email, remove inactive leads from your list or even send a follow up email when a particular link is clicked - automatically.

Keep your lists clean and up to date with automated bounce processing. Invalid email addresses can be removed from your list automatically based on "smart bounce rules", helping keep your deliverability rate high.

See the complete activity of a lead with event logging. Every time a lead opens your email, clicks a link or performs any other activity, it's logged against their history making it easy for you sales team to qualify their desire to purchase.

More Features Than Any Other Email Marketing Software

Interspire's email marketing software is fully featured and was built specifically to help automate your follow up marketing, giving your sales team more motivated leads in the process.

Dozens of built-in templates
Step-by-step campaign wizard
Custom fields for personalization
Unlimited autoresponders
Split test email campaigns
Multiple logins with permissions
Powerful, automated triggers
Full campaign statistics
Google Analytics integration

Automated bounced email processing


Template Migration for Joomla

The Template Migration for Joomla Series will show you how to take an existing, static template and convert it for use with Joomla. This highly requested series covers every aspect of template conversion: Organizing the file structure for Joomla, insertion of the Joomla PHP tags, matching and re-naming CSS conventions for compatibility with JOOMLA, and more! By the completion of this series you will gain all the know-how necessary to migrate your template for Joomla.


Movie PHP Script

Movie PHP Script Version will give your website the edge it needs to bring entertainment to your visitor. This wonderful script had equipped with:

* Post movie direct from Google Video, Youku, VEOH, Megaupload, and many more popular video sites.
* URL Search Engine Friendly.
* highly secure system.
* Sort movie by alphabet, newly listed, and most viewed.
* Allow visitor to watch movie in full view mode.
* Visitor could send the movie link to his/her friend with one click.
* Easy to manage and secure admin system.
* Easy too add in advertise for the site.
* post movie fast within one step.
* Allow to add in description for the movie.
* Allow admin to add/edit/remove category.
* 350 Preinstalled Movies


Terjemahan konteks untuk Drupal 7

Dikirim oleh: Damien Tournoud di Drupal, Drupal (inggris)

Karena ekspresi yang sama dapat diterjemahkan dalam banyak cara yang berbeda, Drupal 7 sekarang mendukung terjemahan bagus dan mengkilap konteks.

Berdasarkan standar industri GNU gettext, konteks yang akan memungkinkan tim penerjemahan untuk membuat terjemahan yang lebih baik, terutama dari string pendek yang begitu banyak dalam basis kode Drupal. Sebagai contoh, tidak mungkin untuk menerjemahkan berbeda sebelumnya 'Lihat' tab 'Lihat' dari modul Views.

Di Drupal 6 dan di bawah ini, terjemahan konteks sudah hacked di satu tempat, panjang nama-nama bulan:

#: Modules / locale / locale.module: 0
msgid "! panjang nama bulan Juni"
msgstr ""

Dalam Drupal 7, bahwa '! Lama-bulan-nama' sekarang konteks yang tepat:

#: / Drupal-core/admin/settings/regional-settings
msgid "Juni"
msgctxt "Panjang nama bulan"
msgstr ""

Terjemahan konteks akan terbukti menjadi alat kekuasaan, segera setelah kami menggunakannya secara konsisten di seluruh basis kode. Pada saat ini, paling string dalam konteks default. Kami membutuhkan bantuan Anda untuk menambahkan konteks yang tepat untuk setiap string yang membutuhkan mereka. Mereka termasuk menu link, tab menu, nama-nama modul, dll Untuk masing-masing dari mereka, Drupal inti akan perlu untuk menetapkan konvensi yang menyumbang modul dapat mengikuti.

Dikombinasikan dengan perubahan terbaru lainnya, seperti pengaturan Daerah yang baru layar, konteks terjemahan memberikan kontribusi untuk membuat Drupal 7, dan versi lokal, dan lebih dahsyat.



Hotspot Shield v1.04

Sure, public Wi-Fi hotspots are great. After all, what would life be without checking your email each morning at your favorite café?

But while you're enjoying your latte and a bagel, some hacker might be accessing your passwords, credit card numbers, sensitive company data and much more. And standard antivirus software won't protect you.

That's why AnchorFree is pleased to offer Hotspot Shield. This free security software keeps your Internet connection secure at public hotspots, home or work.

100% Security Through a VPN

Hotspot Shield creates a virtual private network (VPN) between your laptop and the wireless router. This impenetrable tunnel prevents snoopers and hackers from viewing your email, instant messages, credit card information or anything else you send over a wireless network. Which means you remain anonymous and protect your privacy.

Hotspot Shield security software is free to download, employs the latest VPN technology, and is easy to install and use. So go ahead - Get behind the Shield - try Hotspot Shield today!

Hotspot Shield runs on:

* Windows Vista
* Windows XP
* Windows 2000
* Mac OS X (10.5 Leopard)
* Mac OS X (10.4 Tiger) 

Job Online di Odesk

Job pertama saya di adalah mengupload dan menginstall scripts autoresponder ke sebuah website. Harga yang diajukan pun cukup menggiurkan, $27 untuk pekerjaan yang memakan waktu tidak lebih dari 1 jam. Terdengar sangat menarik bukan.. Namun tidak semudah itu, kendala dalam sebuah pekerjaan sudah pasti ada. Kendala yang saya hadapi adalah perbedaan waktu. Buyers (Pemberi job) yang bertempat tinggal di Texas, seorang Ibu rumah tangga, dan juga seorang pebisnis afiliat yang hanya meluangkan waktu untuk online tidak lebih dari 3 jam dalam sehari. Efek yang di dapat adalah pekerjaan yang tadinya di prediksikan bisa selesai dalam waktu maksimal 2 jam,,akhirnya baru bisa terselesaikan dalam waktu 4 hari. benar-benar meleset dari perkiraan. tapi namanya rejeki memang tidak bisa diduga, bayaran yang saya terima bukan $27,,melainkan $40. Lebihan tersebut diberikan karena buyers merasa puas. Setelah di proses oleh odesk dan di kenakan potongan sebesar $1, pembayaran tersebut bisa langsung masuk ke akun paypal saya dalam waktu singkat.
Hingga saat ini,  sudah tidak bisa terhitung lagi berapa banyak job yang sudah saya dapat dari odesk. baik itu dalam bidang web development, design grafis, data entry dan lain-lain. Odesk memang solusi kerja yang sangat diharapkan pada masa sekarang ini.



Programmer Studio 4.4 Build 2858

Programmer Studio 4.4 Build 2858

Whisper Technology Programmer Studio
Programmer Studio is a fully customizable Windows code editor designed specifically for programmers developing for PC and server platforms,
- whatever your language,
C/C++, C#, Java, JSP, JavaScript, PHP, ASP, Python, Perl, XML, HTML, COBOL, Object COBOL, Pascal, Fortran, RPG, Tcl/Tk etc..
- whatever your target platform,
Windows, Linux, HPUX , Solaris, Tru64, AIX, HP3000, AS/400 (IBM iSeries), VAX/VMS, etc.
- whatever your debugger,
gdb, wdb, dbx, perl, xdb, ccs/trax

Programmer Studio is the ultimate code editor

For server-based development, Programmer Studio uses standard network protocols (FTP & Telnet) to seamlessly interface to your files and existing compilers & debuggers, creating a complete IDE. Programmer Studio offers the premier solution for programmers and organizations who want to standardize on one code editor.

Key Features

+ Language Independent. Programming language support is easily customizable, create your own languages or modify one or the 30 ready to use definitions including C/C++, Java, PHP, ASP, Python, Perl, XML, HTML, COBOL, Pascal, FORTRAN, RPG, Basic, etc..

+ Advanced code editor includes color syntax highlighting, auto-text, virtually unlimited undo and redo, changed line markers, split-windows, bookmarks, block text select, bracket matching and extensive reformatting options.

+ Hex Editor featuring virtually unlimited undo and redo, insert/overwrite markers, split-windows, etc.

+ Seamlessly integrates with your existing compilers and debuggers. With compiler output redirected to the Programmer Studio IDE, you can compile and highlight errors with a single click. Interactively control remote debuggers to quickly insert breakpoints, step through code, quick-watch expressions and even display the call stack and local variables. Currently supports GDB, WDB, DBX, XDB, TRAX and PERL.

+ Target any development platform. Using FTP and TELNET, Programmer Studio allows you to seamlessly develop on most server platforms from within a Windows IDE.

+ Familiar development environment reduces the learning curve for users of other Windows development products such as Microsoft Visual Studio?.

+ CodeAware technology provides a detailed view of the syntax of individual files or entire projects.
- Navigate the syntax of a file or project as a collapsible tree view, double-clicking to quickly view the actual syntax definition.
- Type info provides detailed definition information by simply placing the mouse pointer above a recognized expression.
- Parameter tips provide argument highlighting when typing functions and procedures.
- Auto complete provides a list of possible recognized expressions to complete a partial string.
- Auto list members provide a list of object/structure members when the recognized delimiter is typed after a known variable.

+ Projects can be used to organize your files based on program, language, user ? you name it. Assign compilers to each file or groups of files; customize each compile command if necessary. Build commands can be assigned to project folders for large, multi-server, projects.

+ Visual File Compare analyzes the differences between two files. The side-by-side display provides a simple visual representation of any differences allowing either file to be quickly synchronized.

+ Embedded language support allows you to quickly switch color syntax highlighting between different embedded languages in the same source file including support for ASP, PHP and HTML.

+ Extensive COBOL support, automatically insert new lines in sequence or renumber a file when saving. Support for COBOL?85 line tags, COBOL syntax structure navigation, enable automatic tag update when modifying lines or re-tag a range of lines.

+ Spell check a selection, a file, or even just the text appearing in quoted strings



Flash Decompiler Trillix

Flash Decompiler Trillix is a feature rich and powerful SWF to FLA converter, which will help you decompile Flash movies, convert SWF elements into multiple formats and edit SWF movies (dynamic texts, hyperlinks and more) on the go without Flash Studio installed. Moreover, you will be able to extract all elements from the SWF file and save them to your hard drive in various formats. And last, but not least, is that Flash Decompiler supports batch conversion mode. You can simply leave several files to convert and go have a cup of coffee while Flash Decompiler is working. Now Flash Decompiler fully supports Flash 5, 6, 7, 8 and Flash 9!

Full support of Flash 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 including AS 2.0 and 3.0
Extract all Flash file resources into various formats
Extract Flash video into AVI, MPEG and other playable formats
Batch decompilation and conversion of Flash movies
Edit more Flash objects now without converting to FLA: images, dynamic texts, hyperlinks, sounds, colors and lines
New scalable shining interface with ribbon bar
Advanced built-in Flash player to preview and playback your Flash movies
ASCII, Hex, Pi-code and common ActionScripts representation
Detailed configuration of SWF to FLA conversion (motion tweens, library, FLA format, AS and other settings)
Take screenshots of Flash file played
Unique global ActionScripts search in all tasks simultaneously
Simple and effective adding of multiple files or folders to the Tasks list
Easily change the background color of any SWF file
Detailed tag information panel
Save Flash Movie in Internet Explorer and FireFox plug-ins are supplied for simple saving of SWF movies online
The software is digitally signed to verify Eltima quality and software authenticity
Many other convenient features for professional Flash decompilation 

eBoostr 2.02 (Build 424)

Give Your Windows XP a Boost!
eBoostr™ is an alternative solution to Vista’s ReadyBoost and SuperFetch technologies now available on Windows XP
It speeds up your PC and improves application responsiveness by using flash memory and free RAM as an extra layer of performance-boosting cache for your PC. Use up to four inexpensive flash devices to speed up your system. Add more speed to your PC without any hardware upgrade!

--> Memory caching (if you have plenty of RAM installed);
--> Exclude list (the most requested feature);
--> Power saving mode;
--> More than 4GB cache file size (on NTFS file system only);
--> One flash drive use on different computers;
--> Unlimited number of files in cache;
--> Build cache process improvement (including initial statistics used from XP prefetch information);
--> Load balancing mechanism improvements;
--> And many small fixes and enhancements;
--> And finally 16 new languages added: Portuguese, Ukrainian, Finnish, Czech, Danish, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Polish, Korean, Swedish, Sinhalese, Lithuanian, Arabic, Belarusian, Japanese and Thai.

Cisco CCNA Exam Router Simulator 2.2.1

SemSim is internationally acclaimed Cisco CCNA exam router simulation software that helps aspiring candidates prepare for the Cisco Certified Network Associate certification exam. Not only does it provide an understanding of networking concepts – through router simulation based virtual labs and practice tests, but also recreates an environment for real-life network configuration practice. It opens new vistas in personal flexibility and time management. SemSim provides you with a classroom quality-learning environment at an affordable price. Start a successful career as a Cisco certified network professional with SemSim now ! We even offer an online free CCNA Study center to provide some helpful articles on basic exam information.
Save Time, Save Money, Prepare Better
- with SemSim Router Simulator, your choice to make for success in the exam
Save Time

SemSim offers you valuable time savings in your preparation for Cisco certification exam, without compromising on the quality of preparation. With Sem-Sim you will get the following time management advantages:

* Do your practicals at your convenience.
* Practice as often as you want.
* No need to enroll at a training lab and wait your turn.
* Save time on the certification exam:
* Simulation questions typically consume the most time on the exam. However with SemSim simulator, exhaustive practice with mock exam simulation questions will ensure that you save time on the exam. This will provide you with better time management to ensure that you have sufficient time to answer the multiple choice/theory questions.

Save Time

SemSim offers you valuable time savings in your preparation for Cisco certification exam, without compromising on the quality of preparation. With Sem-Sim you will get the following time management advantages:

Do your practicals at your convenience.
Practice as often as you want.
No need to enroll at a training lab and wait your turn.
Save time on the certification exam:
Simulation questions typically consume the most time on the exam. However with SemSim simulator, exhaustive practice with mock exam simulation questions will ensure that you save time on the exam. This will provide you with better time management to ensure that you have sufficient time to answer the multiple choice/theory questions.

Microsoft Silverlight v3.0.40723.0

Silverlight is essentially nothing more than Microsoft's vision of a cross-browser, cross-platform plug-in designed to be the source of rich online user experiences and to dislodge Flash from its current dominant position on the market. And when the Redmond company said cross-platform they indeed meant it.Microsoft revealed that it does not plan to leverage the existing Windows Update infrastructure in order to make available Silverlight to all users of the Windows operating system. Such a move would give Silverlight immediate and total access to an install base close to 1 billion users and will make it just as ubiquitous as Adobe's Flash. Instead the Redmond company has debuted a number of in-house projects to push the technology, as well as tap its partners for support.

And in this context, Microsoft announced that "Entertainment Tonight," HSN and World Wrestling Entertainment will all deliver Silverlight content to viewers. In fact, a total of 35 Microsoft partners worldwide have announced their support for Silverlight.

RECOMMENDED: Use Silverlight in the 32-bit Internet Explorer process on x64 systems. Most browser plug-ins (including Silverlight, Flash, Java and almost all ActiveX controls) only work in 32-bit browsers currently.

Note for 2 RC0

Applications built using this release will work off of the Silverlight 2 RC0 Developer Runtime only. This is not intended for public deployment, as end users will not have a way to install a suitable plug-in to view the application. No existing public versions (released or beta) of Silverlight 1.0 or 2 Beta 2 will be auto-upgraded to this runtime. This is only for developers.

key features:

• Compelling Experiences
• Custom branded experiences using 2D vector graphics, animation, styling, and skinning
• HD video and adaptive streaming techniques for world-class media experiences
• Highly sophisticated RIA's across major browsers on Mac, Windows, Linux, and devices

Unparalleled interactivity with high resolution content through Deep Zoom technology enabling smooth browsing independent of screen size:

• New Markets
• Multi-channel deployment of web applications to the desktop and devices through .NET
• Cost effective media delivery via Windows Server
• Monetization of media assets via protected content and advertising-enabled scenarios

Thriving ecosystem of .NET and Windows Media partners, developers, and applications:

• Team Productivity
• Rapid development through XML-based declarative markup and a full set of controls Role-specific productivity tools to enhance designer--developer collaboration, with Expression Studio, Visual Studio, and Visual Studio Team System
• Flexible programming model that supports javascript, C#, VB.NET, AJAX, IronPython, IronRuby, and support for LINQ while accessing data over the network

• Easy to add richness to AJAX applications and reduce cross-browser issues


• Windows Vista with Windows Internet Explorer 7, Firefox 1.5, Firefox 2
• Windows XP SP2 with Internet Explorer 6 or 7, Firefox 1.5, Firefox 2
• Windows Server 2003 (excluding IA-64) with Internet Explorer 6 or 7, Firefox 1.5, Firefox 2
• Windows 2000 with Internet Explorer 6 (Silverlight 2.0 Only)
• X86 or x64 500-megahertz (MHz) or higher processor with 128-megabytes (MB) of RAM

File Size: 5.78Mb



11 Cara Penipuan Gaya Baru

Penipuan di Internet sekarang merajalela, jika Anda tidak mengetahuinya, kemungkian Anda akan menjadi korban. Para penipu ini bisa mengambil uang kita dengan berbagai cara atau memfitnah kita. Yang jelas sangat merugikan kita. Penipu biasanya memanfaatkan goncangan psikologis dan membuat orang mengabaikan akal sehat. Baca kelanjutannya ya…

1. Undian Berhadiah
Sering sekali ada orang yang menerima email berisi Anda memenangkan undian berhadiah. Bisa dari Yahoo, micr*soft, atau yang lain. Jangan mempercayai email ini. Jika Anda penasaran sekali, kontak langsung Yahoo atau micr*soft atau siapapun yang dikabarkan dalam email tersebut akan memberi hadiah.
Pencegahan: Jangan percaya apalagi transfer uang terlebih dahulu sebelum Anda memastikan kebenaran undian berhadiah.

2. Bisnis Palsu
Bisnis ini biasanya MLM (Anda harus merekrut member). Termasuk di dalam kategori ini adalah HYIP (High Yield Investment Program). HYIP bukan bisnis investasi tetapi permainan uang.
Pencegahan: Mendapatkan uang dengan mudah itu tidak ada. Selidiki siapa yang menyelenggrakan bisnis tersebut (alamat, badan hukum) jika akan bergabung dengan suatu bisnis..

3. Phising
Phising adalah teknik penipuan untuk mencuri password Anda atau informasi pribadi Anda. Pelaku phising sering membuat website palsu yang mirip dengan aslinya, sehingga korban memasukkan nomor rekening dan password di website penipu.
Pencegahan: jangan mengklik link di email, selalu periksa URL sebelum login. Misalnya jika mau login ke yahoo mail, pastikan URL-nya

4. Program Pay To
Anda mendapat tawaran untuk mengikuti program yang akan membayar Anda jika Anda mengklik email atau banner. Diantaranya memang mereka membayar Anda, namun sebagian besar mereka tidak membayar Anda. Ciri-ciri penyelenggara bisnis ini yang menipu adalah jika mereka menyaratkan Anda harus memperoleh poin sejumlah tertentu (misalnya 100 USD) sebelum mereka membayar Anda. Kenyataannya, poin Anda tidak pernah mencapai jumlah ini.
Pencegahan: Tidak mengikuti program ini, kalau Anda tertarik mengikuti, selalu memeriksa forum yang membahas program tersebut dan mencari tahu apakah membernya dibayar.
Piramida Uang

5. Mirip MLM tapi tanpa produk. Anda diminta untuk mentransfer uang ke nama nomer pertama, Anda masuk ke nomor terakhir. Anda diminta menyebarkan email tersebut ke banyak orang. Bisnis seperti ini tidak berjalan dan hanya membuang waktu Anda.
Pencegahan: Tidak mengikuti bisnis piramida uang.
Pencucian Uang
Anda mendapat email bahwa ada harta warisan yang perlu dicairkan. Anda diminta membantu dengan menyediakan rekening bank untuk ditransfer. Uangnya sebenarnya tidak ada, kalaupun ada dan ditransfer ke rekening Anda, uang itu adalah hasil curian dan Anda akan berurusan dengan hukum.
Pencegahan: Jangan pernah tergiur dengan penawaran ini.

6. Hacking & Cracking
Anda tiba-tiba tidak bisa login di email, password salah terus! Padahal Anda merasa tidak pernah mengganti password. Atau E-gold atau paypal Anda tiba-tiba habis ada yang menguras. Pelakunya adalah hacker atau cracker yang mencuri password Anda dan mentransfer ke rekening mereka.
Pencegahan: Selalu memasang antivirus dan tidak mengakses rekening online di warnet, selalu gunakan komputer pribadi jika Anda harus mengakses rekening online.

7. Software yang berisi virus / trojan
Anda mendownload software dan merasa nyaman menggunakannya. Tiba-tiba rekening Anda ada yang membobol.
Pencegahan: Selalu gunakan antivirus terbaru yang sudah diupdate ketika membuka Internet.

8. Penyedia layanan email palsu
Anda mendapat email yang berisi iklan bahwa ada sebuah layanan email yang sangat fantastis, misalnya tanpa batasan kapasitas, anonim, bahkan Anda akan mendapat dollar jika registrasi. Itu semua bohong. Jika Anda menggunakan email tersebut, maka data-data pribadi Anda akan dicuri oleh penyedia email palsu tersebut.
Pencegahan: Jangan mendaftar email ke tempat yang tidak dapat dipercaya, gunakan yahoo atau gmail yang terpercaya.

9. Email palsu (Fake Mail)
Anda mendapat e-mail seolah-olah dari admin yahoo, admin e-gold atau paypal. Email ini menyatakan Anda harus login untuk verifikasi data. Anda sangat terkejut dan segera membuka link yang ada dalam pesan email tersebut. Anda diminta memasukkan password Anda. Jika ini terjadi berarti Anda telah tertipu, karena mengirimkan password ke hacker / cracker.
Pencegahan: Jangan mengklik link dalam email, apalagi setelah Anda klik, Anda harus memasukkan password Anda. Ini halaman palsu.

10. Email Berantai (Chain / Hoax Letter)
Anda pasti sering mendapatkan email yang menganjurkan untuk meneruskan pesan (forward) tersebut ke orang lain. Mungkin ada ancaman atau Anda ingin membantu seseorang, atau dengan meneruskan email tersebut Anda akan mendapatkan hadiah. Hampir semua email berantai adalah bohong. Hanya membuang waktu Anda.
Pencegahan: Jangan meneruskan email yang menyarankan Anda untuk meneruskan email kepada orang lain.

Berhati-hatilah! Ada dua pedoman penting:

Berhati-hati dan tidak mudah percaya.
Sesuatu yang begitu terlalu bagus untuk ada, itu berarti tidak ada.



Quicken Home And Business 2009

Quicken Home And Business 2009
Perfect for home business owners and self-employed professionals: Includes all the features of Quicken Premier, plus smart business management tools
Track personal and business expenses in one place
Monitor your Profit and Loss and see how your home business is doing
Capture all your possible business deductions and see your tax deduction status throughout the year
Make online banking even better -- connect to your bank, credit card, 401(k)s or brokerage accounts with a single password
Enjoy discounts and cashback on items you buy and places you shop most

Manage both your personal and business finances together in one place1
Bring your personal finance and home based business accounts together -- including online banking, credit card, loan, 401(k) and investing accounts. Avoid the hassle of going to multiple web sites. Now you can see it all in one place with just ONE password. Access over 6,000 banks, brokerages and other financial institutions -- including PayPal.1

Track business expenses paid for with a personal account
Because Quicken Home & Business tracks both your personal and business finances, it's easy to track business expenses you paid for with a personal account -- i.e., office supplies on a personal credit card or dinner out with a client you paid for with personal cash.

Instantly see how your home based business is doing
The Business tab gives you an overall snapshot of what's coming in for the month, what's going out, and what's left in your accounts. Easily track your business' profit or loss -- check in anytime to see how your home business is growing.

Manage Your Bills
Pay Your Bills Never miss a bill
Stay on top of your personal and business related bills, such as office supplies and utilities. See what bills have already been paid, what's coming up and if you have enough left in your accounts to cover them -- all in one convenient place. Set reminders to pay bills on time and instantly check past bills if you need to verify an unusual charge or transaction.

Save money and shop smart
Quicken's new, free service -- Quicken Picks -- helps you make the most of every dollar. Quicken Picks seeks out the best online coupons and discount offers just for you -- on items you buy and places you shop most often. And with Quicken Picks, you get cashback on all your purchases, helping you save even more. You can sign up for Quicken Picks anytime within your Quicken software.

Watch your savings grow
An insightful "My Savings Plan" summarizes your actual spending and compares it to what you planned to spend for the month. Quickly see where you have room to spend or save more.

Optimize your complete investment portfolio online
The Investing Portfolio gives you a 360° view across all of your investments -- anytime, from anywhere. Define goals, set targets, and perform thorough analysis of your 401(k), mutual funds, and stock investing with advanced tools and investing reports. Get alerts on your favorite stocks and funds to help you make informed decisions about your portfolio.

Maximize deductions and simplify your taxes
Make sure you capture all your deductions -- including mileage and expenses for specific jobs, or even household expenses that you can partially write off. The business tax deduction summary lets you instantly see your tax deduction status throughout the year to help avoid any April 15th surprises. Easily export your data directly to TurboTax for fast and accurate tax preparation.2

Get Started with
Get help and guidance when you need it
In the Setup tab, you can watch introductory videos and get step-by-step instructions on how to add your online banking and credit card accounts. Enjoy guidance and helpful tips on every page to help you stay on top of regular tasks like downloading transactions or scheduling bills. Instantly connect to the Quicken Community.

System Requirements
Computer 400 MHz (Windows XP), 1 GHz (Windows Vista)
Operating System Windows XP / Works with Vista
Memory 512 MB (Windows XP), 1 GB (Windows Vista)
Hard Disk Space 100 MB, plus 45 MB for Microsoft Internet Explorer if IE 6.0 or higher is not already installed (IE 6.0 included on enclosed CD-ROM)
Monitor 1024x768 with 16-bit color
CD-ROM Drive Double speed (4X or higher recommended for multimedia)
Internet Connection 56 kbps modem or higher
Sound Sound card and speakers recommended
Printer Any printer supported by Windows XP / Vista 


YOOgallery v1.5.4-joomla gallery extention

The YOOgallery Joomla! extension provides a smart and easy way to publish multiple images on your website. It only takes a few minutes to setup your own image gallery. All you need to do is to set the image path and everything else is done by the YOOgallery extension. It auto-generates all thumbnail images and presents them with a lightbox or slideshow style. All styles are working out of the box and can be use with YOOtheme templates or any other template. Check out the YOOgallery styles below!

WYSIWYG Web Builder v6.1.1 (NEW AND RELEASE)

WYSIWYG Web Builder v6.1.1 | 3.66 MB
The Web Design Solution That Makes Building Web Sites Easy And Fun! WYSIWYG Web Builder is a WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) program used to create web pages. WYSIWYG means that the finished page will display exactly the way it was designed. The program generates HTML (HyperText Markup Language) tags while you point and click on desired functions; you can create a web page without learning HTML. Just drag and drop objects to the page position them 'anywhere' you want and when you're finished publish it to your web server (using the build in publish tool). Web Builder gives you full control over the content and layout of your web page. With the 'Standard Tools' toolbar you can execute basic commands like Create a new web site, Open an existing web site, Save, Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo, Redo. It also has icons to insert or edit hyperlinks (9th icon from the left) or add special characters when you're in text edit mode. The last two icons are for previewing and publishing.You can easily add new browsers to use for preview using the 'Edit Browser List' option.

Key Features:-
• No HTML knowledge needed!
• Drag and drop objects from the toolbox on the page anywhere you like!
• Site Management. Easily add, edit, clone and structure your web pages from a single file.
• Customizable menus, toolbars, keyboard accelerators, dockable windows, tabs, autohide windows.
• Form layout object to create forms, including actions, hidden fields etc.
• Supports Form fields: Editbox, TextArea, Checkbox, Radiobutton, Combobox and Button.
• Form Wizard to create form in 4 steps. Select from a dozen ready-to-use forms.
• Rich text support: text object can contain different fonts, colors, links and sizes.
• Custom HTML object to insert your own HTML or javascripts.
• ActiveX, JAVA, Flash, Windows Media player, Quicktime, Real Audio and other Plug-In support.
• Publish your entire web site, a single page or a group of pages (to local drive or a web server) .
• Built-in Photo Gallery maker, with lots of cool features like picture frames!
• Built-in Banner maker.
• Rollover images.
• Bulleted Lists: Circle, Disc, Square, Numeric (1, 2, 3), Alpha (a, b, c) , Roman (I, II, III) and custom images.
• Image maps.
• Customize scrollbar colors for Microsoft Internet Explorer.
• Navigation bars.
• Tab Menus.
• Slide Menus.
• Ready-to-use javascripts.
• Template support. Already more than 100 templates available!
• Slide Show component .
• Support for third-party add-ons (extensions), using the Web Builder Extension Builder.
• Import existing HTML pages.
• Hyperlink Style Sheet, to customize the colors/formatting of hyperlinks.
• Built-in Popup support.
• Show optional rulers and ruler guides.
• Page transitions in Page Properties.
• Inline Frame component (IFRAME).
• Go menu: easily create a drop-down navigation menus.
• Menubar: powerful menu script that can mimic complex menus found in popular GUI applications.
• Shape object (Rectangle, Round rect, Ellipse, Diamond, Hexagon, Octagon, Parallelogram, Triangle, Trapezoid, Arrows, Flag, Flower, Heart, Signs, Stars, Talk Bubbles and much more!).
• Master page object. This allows you to re-use objects from other pages (master page concept).
• Layer Object for advanced layout possibilities.
• Validation tools for form components: EditBox, Combobox and TextArea.
• Rotation for shapes and images.
• Ability to group/ungroup objects.
• Image tools: Contrast, Brightness, Hue/Saturation, Flip, Rotate, Resample, Crop and Stencils.
• Image effects: GrayScale, Negative, Sepia, Blur, Soften, Sharpen, Noise, Emboss and more!
• Drawing tools: Line, Line + Arrows, Scribble, Polygon, Curve and Closed Curve.
• Photo gallery border styles/ photo frames.
• Images, shapes and form controls have a new Events Page, to easily add actions to object events!
• The PayPal eCommerce Tools are the quickest and easiest way to add eCommerce to your web site!
• RSS Feed object with podcast option.
• Blog with built-in RSS feed option.
• Google compatible sitemap generator

New in version 6.0:-
• Style Manager, a central place to update the styles of multiple objects.
• Captcha object for (PHP) forms. Helps to stop spammers from submitting form data automatically.
• YouTube video support.
• Built-in FTP Client to manage your online files.
• Extension Manager! Download, install, update and uninstall extensions from within the software!
• ClipArt, this object uses dingbat fonts and converts them to vector shapes.
• TextArt object which can be used to create amazing logos, banners or headers.
• SiteTree object, display an overview of your website (SiteMap).
• Login Tools/Page Password Protection.

Changes in WYSIWYG Web Builder 6.1.1:-
- Fixed: Object prefix issue with events on master pages.
- Fixed: Encoding issues with 'Single page protect' object.
- Fixed: Cloning page looses menubar button images.
- Fixed: z-index problem with PayPal options.
- Fixed: Replaced '100%' with actual size in YouTube object due to FireFox issues.
- Fixed: Impossible to select horizontal or vertical line on layer.
- Fixed: Removed line-height attribute from header styles.



McAfee Wireless Home Network Security 1.0.124

McAfee recognized that wireless networks, while very popular, are also generally insecure. They developed this product with home users in mind to automatically protect the wireless network from unauthorized access. According to McAfee, some of the key features of McAfee Wireless Home Network Security 2006 are:

Strong automatic encryption: Encryption 'scrambles' the data so that only those who have the key are able to unscramble it and read the data.
Scheduled rotation of encryption keys: It is possible under some circumstances for someone to intercept or determine what the key is to unscramble the data. Rotating the key makes it harder for someone to get it.
Comprehensive protection: Protects your wireless network from attempts to steal or intercept data, steal your identity or hijack your network connection as well as other wireless threats.
Automatic detection and protection:Automatically detects computers attempting to join the wireless network and notifies you. Simple interface lets you easily allow trusted systems in, while keeping hackers and other untrusted systems out.

pass :

PDFToolkit 1.0.2008.1205 at High Speed

PDFToolkit 1.0.2008.1205 | 2.57 MB

PDFToolkit is an all in one PDF tool. It can split, merge, encrypt and decrypt PDF easily. It is a standalone application and does not depend on Adobe Acrobat, or even Acrobat Reader.PDFToolkit can be used to split files by pages, you can split the file into single pages or save every a few pages as a new file, it also can be used to merge multiple PDF files or selected pages from one or more files into a PDF file, preservation of original links, and form fields.PDFToolkit can encrypt PDF with standard 40-bit or 128-bit encryption. You can also set the permission of the user such as printing, modifying etc. You can make secure PDF and protect your PDF in one function call.PDFToolkit also provides the ability to decrypt an encrypted PDF given the password.

Here are some key features of "PDFToolkit":
· Split PDF files into multiple files by range
· Merge multiple PDF files into one PDF
· Encrypt PDF, decrypt PDF
· Supports PDF user password and owner password protection
· Password protect opening of the PDF document
· Disable printing of the PDF document
· Disable copying of text/graphics
· Disable modifications to PDF the document
· Password protection for PDF files with 40 or 128 bit encryption
· Support batch processing a lot of PDF files in one click
· Easy to use interface for every computer users

· .NET Framework 3.5

OS: Windows All



Total Network Monitor is a software for the continuous control over the performance of your network, separate computers, network and system utilities that make the essence of your network place and need to be thoroughly monitored. Total Network Monitor will alert you in case of failures and unpredictable errors by many ways before situation becomes threatening to your work. It will build a detailed report on the type and time of the error or failure.

Total Network Monitor is a software for the continuous control over the performance of your network, separate computers, network and system utilities that make the essence of your network place and need to be thoroughly monitored. Total Network Monitor will alert you in case of failures and unpredictable errors by many ways before situation becomes threatening to your work. It will build a detailed report on the type and time of the error or failure. You always have an opportunity to check any aspect of this or that utility, server or file system: HTTP, FTP, SMTP/POP3, IMAP, Event Log, Service State, Registry and many other. To all these benefits network map and user-friendly interface make your work with the software the most demonstrable.



Hide Your IP Address purpose is to guard your privacy in Internet by changing your Internet IP Address. Start to surf anonymously. You can immediately take advantage of this handy and award winning software. The software will protect your Identity and Stop Hackers. Here is a short feature-list of this award winning software that gives you your privacy back!

- Protect and hide your Identity through hiding your IP address
- Prevent hackers from breaking into your computer
- Allows you to enter pages which are forbidden for you
- Changes your IP address (and your location)
- Delete information about ALL your internet activity
- Add your own Proxies and use your favorites

Paste the Patch into the installation directory, eg - C:\Programs and Files\Hide Your IP Address.
Open the Patch, make sure 'Make Backup' is ticked and click Patch.
You can now delete the Patch from the installation directory.
Open up Hide Your IP Address and a box will come up, click Register.
Type in anything you want for Name, E-Mail and Serial Key
Click Register then OK.
Restart Hide Your IP Address and you'll see its activated!



Lets all computers on the LAN access Internet through one single Internet connection
Proxy Server CCProxy enables all computers on the LAN access Internet through one single Internet connection. Just need to install Proxy Server CCProxy on the server which can access Internet directly and the other PC clients can connect to the Internet through the proxy software. It will provide you a cost-effective Internet connection sharing solution without losing ease of use and peace of mind.
Proxy server CCProxy is easy-to-use and powerful. This enables you set up your own proxy server and realize Internet connection sharing within 10 minutes. CCProxy includes innovative features like Internet access control, web filter, bandwidth control, web cache, parent, remote dial-up, auto dialup and time schedule puts you in a complete control of the Internet access. It also provides some advanced and interesting functions. Proxy software CCProxy can well accommodate your Internet sharing whether for business or home network.
Here are some key features of "CC Proxy Server":
· It's a web proxy software and it enables you to browse web pages, download files, send and receive e-mail.
· · It's a web cache proxy and web caching expedites the speed of surfing the net.
· · The proxy user control provides powerful management functions including seven ways to control the Internet access on the LAN. They are IP address, IP range, MAC address, User Name/Password, IP + User Name/Password, MAC + User Name/Password and IP + MAC.
· · It's a time schedule proxy software and the time schedule can freely control the users' on-line time.
· · It can allocate client surfing service respectively. This gives you an authority to open the different proxy services to the different users. Some of them may browse the web pages or send and receive e-mails and others may enjoy all the Internet surfing functions.
· · It can allocate proxy client bandwidth respectively. The bandwidth control can allocate the different bandwidth to the different users. Thus, it can control the speed of net surfing and occupation of the bandwidth resource of each user and avoid the traffic jam of net, which is caused by some users who try to download files.
· · Web filter can ban the undesirable sites with unhealthy and irrelevant contents. This proxy software will help you keep the employees concentrate on their work or children stay away from the bad sites.
· · Access Logging can keep a full set of the Internet access log.
· · It's a SOCKS Proxy and allows you to use ICQ, MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, CuteFTP and NEC Sockscap.



Wireless WEP Key Password Spy will instantly retrieve all WEP keys and wireless network passwords that have been stored on PC
Wireless WEP Key Password Spy will instantly retrieve all WEP keys and wireless network passwords that have been stored on your computer.

To get started, click "Find Wireless WEP Keys". It will then display the adapter GUID and all recovered information associated with it including the wireless network name (SSID), the encryption type (WEP 40, WEP 104, or WPA-PSK), and the WEP key associated with each network.







4 iPaid4Clicks
[WST]HighYieldInvestmentProgramfor e-Moneyv2.5RL[15976]
2 Autosurf Exchange PHP Script
3 Traffic Exchange PHP Script
7 iPaidEmail
Cashcrusader 1.98
E-Gold Games Hyip
HYIP Manager 3.1RML
Stormpaypro Randomizer v1.4 Php Null-Wdyl
Super Clix Pro
Tap.Scripts.Randomizer.Dateco de.20040704.PHP-iND



All In One : Compression tools AIO 35 in One

This package contains the best compression tools till now:

POWER ARCHIVER2007 V10.20.17
WINRK V 3.03
RAR KEY V7.0.1180
ZIP SCAN V2.2D ...





Hancock Special Edition Tweaks:
•Editted Resources to make the Loading 75% Faster
• Removed 25 Langauges from EULA
• Removed Adobe Registration
• Removed Adobe Rem Dialog
• Removed RAM Scan on Start-up
• make it work faster on 1GB RAM users
• Made Portable
• Added All Regular Photoshop folders (Such as Brushes, Prests etc)
• Added SFX Installer
• If you downloaded any older version, or other portable versions, just remove Adobe_Epic folder in App\Photoshop folder , So you dont have to accept the License anymore

Quickly create and edit masks from the new Masks panel.
This panel offers all the tools you need to create editable pixel-
and vector-based masks, adjust mask density and feathering,
easily select noncontiguous objects, and more.

Use the new and revolutionary Content-Aware Scaling
feature to automatically recompose an image as you resize it,
smartly preserving vital areas as the image adapts to the
new dimensions. Get the perfect image in one step without
time-intensive cropping and retouching.


Firefox Pro All In One (28 add-on) Portable

Firefox Pro All In One (28 add-on) | 58.4MB

Basic information: the browser fast, powerful and multifunction, safety, completeness, utility.
Firefox Pro version is improved and developed the latest version of Firefox usually

Components are integrated into:
The internet speeds Download Manage (IDM) the latest version
All plugin for surfing the wed and entertainment
Bookmark: more than 100 Vietnam wed hot and list Top 1000 World wed be classified into each purpose: entertainment, information, education …
Pro Add-on: more than 20 add-on is selected as ki~, bring comfort and fun for you
The file management very powerful Explorer Pro, you can see the open operation to remove the copy on the file tab of Firefox Pro
Automatically block the ads and botup.
Scan volume 1 the address then drop as you drag. 1 new tab will open
Scan the text block 1 and then drag drop. Google will find you
Address is wed to Google: a combination
Save resources to wed page PDF document or ebook chm (right click> IT PDF)
Using IE to open the tab (increased compatibility, or help you see 2 nick mail at the same time)
Play all playlists from your computer when surfing are wed
Click on the button to open and then find the music you like
B / Download (download file)
You do not see where the IDM, but have hidden inside Firefox Pro. Helps you download all the music and video online.
When you click a direct link to 1
Or you must click and download with IDM
Or when you see the movie, music and click the download icon
IDM not know from where the download dance for you. Download a quietly. unobtrusive. Interface do not complain "others" in restaurants Net
C / Bookmark Pro: address book is very interesting
Smartphones: Show 2 line. thu+o+’c a scroll bar. Whether you have 1000 addresses still show full.
Interesting: the address of the product will turn you into a resident drug wed
Photo Online: services are wed for image processing. not need high level, you can create photo specialty effects – for example your image pair to
C / Pro Tab
The tabs have the same source have the same color and placement close look easy
The tabs have the same resources will be total of the group not to use, and when you put the cursor near to the cup itself to save space
The tabs have not read, read marked different is convenient
When there are too many tabs, the tab will be down the line
G / Other features:
Also features many other interesting. And this is confidential. Be self-discovery during use.

YAHOO MESSENGER 10 Final - With VIsta Skin


PHP 6-MySQL Programming for the Absolute Beginner

If you are new to programming with PHP 6 and MySQL and are looking for a solid introduction, this is the book for you. Developed by computer science instructors, books in the for the absolute beginner™ series teach the principles of programming through simple game creation.

You will acquire the skills that you need for more practical programming applications and will learn how these skills can be put to use in real-world scenarios. Everything you need to complete the tutorials is on thecompanion CD—there’s no software to buy and you can get started right away. By the time you finish thebook you will be able to apply the basic principles you’ve learned to the next programming language you tackle.

EMS SQL Manager for MySQL Lite for Windows

EMS SQL Manager for MySQL is a powerful tool for MySQL Database Server administration and development.  It works with any MySQL versions from 3.23 to 5 and supports all of the latest MySQL features including views, stored procedures and functions, InnoDB foreign keys, user-definable functions, transaction-safe tables, new MySQL 5 Authentication Protocol, MySQL 4.x user privilege extensions, charsets and collations support for databases and tables. It offers plenty of powerful tools for experienced users such as Visual Database Designer, Visual Query Builder, and BLOB viewer/editor to satisfy all their needs. It has a new state-of-the-art graphical user interface with well-described wizard system, so clear in use that even a newbie will not be confused with it. Its Graphical User Interface (GUI) allows you to create/edit all MySQL database objects in a simple and direct way, run SQL scripts, manage users and administer user privileges, edit SQL queries, extract and print metadata, create database structure ...



Saat ini, Facebook sangat populer di kalangan netter. Banyak orang yang sudah membuat profil di Facebook. Bahkan, banyak yang mengklaim bahwa bermain Facebook bisa membuat kita kecanduan bahkan cenderung tidak produktif untuk kalangan pegawai kantoran. Karena tingginya animo masyarakat Indonesia yang mendaftar di situs Facebook, ada seorang pembuat web dari Indonesia yang membuat kloning Facebook. Situs ini dinamakan Youfacester dan bisa diakses melalui link Namanya memang unik. Kalau diperhatikan dengan seksama, sebenarnya youfacester itu merupakan gabungan dari youtube, facebook, dan friendster. Kalau Anda mengunjungi situs ini, Anda akan melihat bahwa tampilannya begitu mirip dengan Facebook. Sang pembuat web pun mengakui bahwa situs ini adalah kloning dari Facebook. Yang cukup menarik adalah tampian awal ketika akan login. Jika situs Facebook yang asli menampilkan gambar peta dunia, youfacester justru menampilkan gambar peta Indonesia. Bahasa yang digunakan untuk situs ini masih bahasa Inggris. Beberapa konten yang ditawarkan pun cukup berbeda dengan Facebook.

Sumber dengan beberapa perubahan.


JAKARTA, - Siapa sih yang tidak tertarik kalau ada kiriman informasi yang miring soal artis yang lagi ngetop. Apalagi ditambah embel-embel "bugil". Kira-kira apa yang Anda lakukan kalau di dalam USB flash teman ada file dengan nama Sandra Dewi Bugil?

Jangan sekali-sekali mencoba melihatnya karena itu adalah virus komputer yang mencatut nama Sandra Dewi saja. Langsung delete saja kalau antivirus Abnda sudah mendeteksinya. Fyuh, makanya jangan mudah tertipu surga dunia. Virus ini menyebar menggunakan removable drive/usb sebagai sarananya.

Norman Security Suite mendeteksi varian virus Sandra Dewi ini dengan nama W32/Obfuscated.B!genr. Dari script virus yang dibuat, si pembuat virus ini juga ikut membawa dan memunculkan nama STMIK PPKIA, salah satu kampus komputer di Kalimantan Timur.

Ciri-ciri dari file virus ini, di antaranya:

· Memiliki ukuran file sebesar "132 kb".
· Mempunyai type file "Application".
· Berextension file "exe".
· Memiliki icon gambar (JPEG image).

Virus Sandra Dewi dibuat dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman visual basic. Jika virus berhasil menginfeksi, maka ia akan membuat beberapa file virus di antaranya :

· C:-Sandra Dewi Bugil.exe (pada semua root drive)
· C:-Documents and Settings-%user%-Start Menu-Programs-Startup-Sandra Dewi Bugil.exe
· C:-WINDOWS-Sandra Dewi Bugil.exe
· C:-WINDOWS-system32- Sandra Dewi Bugil.exe
· Membuat duplikat file virus pada setiap folder yang ada pada removable drive/usb.

Virus Sandra Dewi juga menampilkan sebuah pesan sebelum login (gambar 1).

"Sangat sakit rasanya apabila cinta kita ditolak oleh seseorang, pada zaman dahulu orang menggunakan fasilitas dukun sebagai media untuk mendapatkan cintanya. Seiring dengan berkembangnya Teknologi informasi, media yang digunakannya untuk mendapatkan cintanya adalah VIRUS"

Blok fungsi Windows

Secara umum virus tidak merusak sistem namun mengganggu. Virus akan mencoba melakukan usaha blok terhadap beberapa fungsi Windows. Beberapa fungsi Windows yang di blok di antaranya sebagai berikut :

· Folder Options (dilakukan untuk mencegah akses terhadap file/folder yang disembunyikan)
· Registry Editor (dilakukan untuk mencegah akses perbaikan registry)
· Search/Find (dilakukan untuk mencegah dari pembersihan virus)
· Command Prompt (dilakukan untuk mencegah dari proses kill virus)
· Task Manager (dilakukan untuk mencegah proses monitoring virus)
· Control Panel (dilakukan untuk mencegah akses kontrol dari OS komputer)
· MsConfig/System Configuration Utility (dilakukan untuk mencegah akses pada startup)

Selain itu, virus juga mencoba melakukan usaha blok terhadap beberapa fungsi Windows yang lain di antaranya :

· Disable klik kanan pada desktop.
· Disable "All Programs" pada Start Menu.
· Disable menu Log Off/Turn Off pada Start Menu.

Dengan usaha ini, virus mencoba agar pengguna komputer kesulitan dalam menjalankan program tertentu, dan bahkan kesulitan untuk me-restart, log-off maupun shutdown komputer.

Pada System Properties, virus akan merubah RegisteredOwner menjadi Dewi Bugil dan RegisteredOrganization menjadi Sandra.(gambar 2)

Virus akan merubah header Internet Explorer (IE) saat akan menjalankan aplikasi Internet Explorer, dengan tambahan ::CREATION::BUDI:ARMA::.(gambar 3)

Untuk memastikan agar file dapat berjalan dengan baik pada saat komputer dijalankan, virus menyisipkan file virus pada startup windows sehingga akan langsung aktif jika kita sudah masuk windows. File virus yang aktif pada startup yaitu C:-Documents and Settings-%user%-Start Menu-Programs-Startup-Sandra Dewi Bugil.exe

File virus yang aktif ini menjalankan program Splash, program ini tidak dapat di geser ataupun di tutup kecuali pada tombol Keluar. Jika tombol Keluar di klik, maka akan muncul pop-up: "KONFIRMASI kirim email kepada budi_9***"

Apapun yg di klik, baik tombol Yes maupun No akan membuat shutdown komputer kita dengan memunculkan jendela System Shutdown dalam waktu 1 menit. Untuk melakukan blok fungsi Windows, "Command Prompt" Windows, dan pesan login, virus akan membuat beberapa string registry.
